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Climargy® believes that over two-thirds of the energy efficiency capital gap by 2030 will need to flow outside the balance sheets of energy end-users through innovative financial structures and modalities for the world to accelerate energy efficiency technology and capital deployment. Climargy® recognizes our collective responsibility as partners with the broader energy efficiency ecosystem to support the delivery of global progress to double the rate of energy efficiency improvement annually by 2030. Climargy® commits as a collective of government, company and organizational partners of Mission Efficiency to support global progress on energy efficiency. propose joint projects, work together and invest in energy efficiency with other committed Mission Efficiency partners. As a private company, Climargy® urges national and sub-national governments to commit to energy efficiency by having an active energy efficiency action plan, by including high ambition for energy efficiency in the Nationally Determined Contributions and/or having UN Energy Compact with energy efficiency commitments. 

Further we request governments to develop and implement as many actions as possible from the Mission Efficiency Energy Efficiency Playbook of Key Actions.

Climargy® commits to support governments and other partners to achieve their goals by:

  • Enabling a pioneer private Super-ESCO to enable ESCOs to pursue more energy efficiency projects with off-balance sheet equity capital and project preparation resources.
  • Mobilizing private capital from traditional energy developers and new clean energy players to energy efficiency project portfolios as a new and distinct investment asset class.
  • Accelerating energy efficiency adoption in the buildings, industrial and institutional sectors through fully-financed ESCO performance contracts.

Climargy® commits to further progress on energy efficiency by:

  • Attracting climate funding and other development resources to de-risk private-sector investments in ESCO project assets across more maturing technologies, more nascent ESCO markets, innovative financial structures and products and across a broader spectrum of energy end-users.
  • Attracting climate funding and development resources to de-risk the upfront investments in preparing ESCO projects, especially through investment-grade audits, ESCO capacity development, and professional training and certification.

 Committed this 29th of November 2023, Metro Manila, Philippines.
